So as some of you may have noticed i havent been on as much lately. Lot of stuff going on for me so hopefully in the next week or so i can log in at work and such. The nets been going down at work lately so its not really worth risking playing. Also after the string of recent events in game during which i played alot, i've been taking a bit of a break just logging in here and there when im free from RL stuff. Hopefully with the halloween event coming up and maybe episode 6 in the next few months(?) there will be some exciting stuff to post. The only thing i've done recently is go to a few fights, some hunting in the usual places and hit up this wedding...

Apparently 1337Meat really really wanted a shout out, so here you go lol.
So anyways I went to Nuit Blanche in toronto last saturday which was tons of fun. Went to Casaloma, Lower Bay (the ghost station) subway, Bata shoe museum, OCAD, and a bunch of the other places that they were running events. It was pretty awesome though some of my friends who TTC'd it around were complaining that the transit took so long they didnt get to see much (lol suckers). There is also the Chinese lantern festival which i went too and really wish i had my camera for.
I also met a really nice girl who i started going out with this week.

Anyways im almost done at work and im going to meet her for lunch so later for now =P