Some recent hunts...

This was from hunting on 71+ floors. I headed up there with a few friends in RL and friends from in game. Its fairly hard up on these floors. Its really easy in some spots to get stuck between the walls or doorways and a group of mops. They do drop wafers fairly often though which is nice for the elfs ^_^

At the boss of the floor, knight vald. He looks really kewl with his red eyes and giant sword. I think he would look better if he was a bit larger but, still looks pretty neat.

Here is the result of our troubles. Ill see about pics from the next floors up later on. And one thing to mention, the succubus queen of darkness really hurt, even with high MR. Fighting knight Vald with them around is no easy task, especially since he summons those really strong BKs and the succubus come in packs of three sometimes.

Bapho ending a few days ago with Sky. I was actually surprised to see how long he lasted. Unfortunately boss drops have been down since the last update so we didnt get to much =\

A few days go Purefighter went to check for scales. Not sure if they are worth much anymore since i have seen someone selling a shield of eva for 13 or 14mil but still not to bad considering.
These drops arent too amazing but ill list them here anyways.
*note* i have more pics of shining scales but i havent edited them yet and its the same thing over and over so this is just a few*

Anyways thats all for now. Im still waiting for my current ISP to cut my service so i can try out the new ISP i have signed up with. Im really hopeing it will be better. I have to leave for work on thursday so its doubtful i will be on much until monday, though i will see what i can do. =)

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