Sunday, October 10, 2004

DEATHMAKER, who art thou!?

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I've been hunting FI for the last 2 weeks or so, SOL used to not war MobScene (the M icon) but after I left, apparently character Deathmaker attacked allforu in SOL, to make a long story short, that eventually led to the war between sol and mobscene. Now, after I joined back to SOL, I went back to FI and continued hunting along side deathmaker and several other members. I'm not afraid of fighting... I'm afraid of stupid people.

This goes for the buyers of old accounts, the second through 12th users of other characters (if you have more than 12 users and still have you're items, you're exempt), the people who botted their way past NC's ignorant staff:

having a high level character or access to it does not mean you have the skill required to play such a character, it's much stronger of course than most other characters, but in a "real" pvp envoronment it will become apparent who is and who isn't deserving of their level

Mark sent me Deathmaker's real picture;

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For the people who don't like to read, I posted an action picture of what happened earlier:

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oh~ and after killing my summon and taking my 117 OJs he actually dropped 60 ojs and 14 clears on the ground... restarted, proceeded to act suprised when I jacked the fucking things, and then I about had an anurism when he said "give those back". Take into account while he was walking around prior to dropping them, I was calling him a stupid newb, a level slave, and sweat shop employee of the month.

Tip of the day: A character is only as smart as it's dumbest user.


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