Friday, October 15, 2004

good exp

well.. i ahve to stay up all night so that I sleep on the bus to Sudbury tommorrow.. so that means hunt ALL NIGHT!

so I went to Lastabad caves with Sunny4ever and MasterOdin.. made great exp

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then I went IT 5f with Odin.. (no SS :-(... )

so then I somehow ended up in skt (i think I went to check AQ.. wasn't up...)

anyways.. ended up with ANOTHER one of these.. I hate these.. i get them always -.-

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it's 6:06a.m. do YOU know where you children are.. lol


PS Bani said Hi

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Add-on #2

I hunted with ReaperElf after all of the above (in FV)

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Then we went RDD.. no drops :-( .. or SS (lol)

Finally, to end my 'All-night' hunting spree. Khat and I went to 10f TOI to check if ZQ was up.. it wasn't so we descided to run around and kill stuff... this is what I tele'd out looking like (OUCH!!!!)

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btw.. thats 10 HP and 14 MP... almost end... ALMOST! ha! suckas..

k, off to school, then up North I go!

~K. (again)


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