Hmm final thoughts on the event...
Well things have sorta started to settle down from the event. I have spent alot of time buying and selling various thing and i would like to thanks everyone for being patient with me, and my countless price checks and advertising things on global chat (sry but you know very few people leave tradechat on for very long). I am still working on school work and as im writing now at 2:30am i know i still have 2 books i have to be finished by tommorow so that i can write my essay. Im also responsible for working out the price section in a marketing plan for my marketing class. If anyone has some tips on what to include please let me know but i think its pretty well set up. I havent posted lately here because of the massive amount of time it takes to buy and sell things in game and of course on the weekend i tend to go out lol. Had some beer's at Kaz's on Friday which was fun and watched a good movie on Sat which was alright as well. I have met a few more people recently which is always nice, so i wanted to give a shout out to Giclee. He's a really cool guy and i have talked to him about a few different things but right now he needs some help from the lineage community. He has been working really hard to try and buy a destroy spellbook and i think he really deserves one. If anyone knows of someone selling one, send him a mail! Anyways on to the screen shots. I have a few that i still have to edit and post and its simply to late so ill get to them tommorow, but here it goes...
Allforu and Devilripper get married, congrats!
A monitor showed up to say congrats to the newly weds~
Me and some friends killed Iris, im not going to post the drops because they were really bad lol.
And a Big Congratz to I3aby for hitting level 65! I3aby has long been a good friend both in game and in real life. Always honest and fair to me and my pledge mates, no one deserves it more, congrats!
Finally here is a good shot of him in the 65morph. i think he could beat me in a duel even if he was in dwarf morph lol. Nice work man!
Anyways as for the post below, the only thing i will say about that is to SuzyQsman i say sorry. I shouldnt have spoken to you like that and i realize i was wrong to say that and apologize. Time for me to head off and finish off this essay, night everyone~
oh PS Deadline for Halloween costume submisions is coming up (Nov 10 i believe i said). Yeah i have been slacking and havent posted mine yet but hopefully ill get that done tommorow. Send your emails to later!~

Allforu and Devilripper get married, congrats!

A monitor showed up to say congrats to the newly weds~

Me and some friends killed Iris, im not going to post the drops because they were really bad lol.

And a Big Congratz to I3aby for hitting level 65! I3aby has long been a good friend both in game and in real life. Always honest and fair to me and my pledge mates, no one deserves it more, congrats!

Finally here is a good shot of him in the 65morph. i think he could beat me in a duel even if he was in dwarf morph lol. Nice work man!
Anyways as for the post below, the only thing i will say about that is to SuzyQsman i say sorry. I shouldnt have spoken to you like that and i realize i was wrong to say that and apologize. Time for me to head off and finish off this essay, night everyone~
oh PS Deadline for Halloween costume submisions is coming up (Nov 10 i believe i said). Yeah i have been slacking and havent posted mine yet but hopefully ill get that done tommorow. Send your emails to later!~

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