Hunting on 41+ TOI
Logged in this morning and didnt really feel like doing a usual hunt so i asked in pledge if anyone was up for hunting with me. Auna invited me to come 44flr and since i hadnt used my charm for that floor for a while i decided to give it a try. on the way up in the sewers i killed a few ramia and got another one of these:
Not a bad way to start a hunt, i hear they are still going for 50 or 60k each. So anyways after stopping to kill some Iron Golems on 42 floor (damn no powergloves) i made my way up to Auna and was soon joined by BBknights as well.
Anyone know what these are worth now? so after killing some lesser dragons in hope of getting a heart, and some Fire ghosts in hope of a bzel, we managed to get one.
Its been a long time since i have gotten a bzel as a drop even with a group (well other then from bosses) so it was pretty nice. BBk was nice enough to buy it and so i have some more money to buy wafers with ^_^
So we continued hunting and after a bit with no drops
Nzel from LD. Now what i dont understand is why Ghosts drop Bzel and LD drop Nzels. lol LD do alot more dmg and take alot more hits to kill then ghosts. But oh well, 30k i wont complain. So at the end of the hunt i had the nzel from BBK, a share of the Bzel, about 50Bteles and some other misc stuff. Think ill have to buy some more wafers soon, but they are soooo expensive =\ wis NC would bring the price down to 2 or 3k. But i still make profit using them when i solo 31+ and the exp is nice with them so i guess i shouldnt really be complaining. alot of lower level elfs wouldnt make any profit if they used them so i suppose im lucky. Anyways back to hunting for a while and then off to work tonight. Hopefully i have some more interesting stuff to post before i leave to the cottage/work. Im trying to get some RL pics taken a week or two ago up, so hopefully i will have them published before i leave.

Not a bad way to start a hunt, i hear they are still going for 50 or 60k each. So anyways after stopping to kill some Iron Golems on 42 floor (damn no powergloves) i made my way up to Auna and was soon joined by BBknights as well.

Anyone know what these are worth now? so after killing some lesser dragons in hope of getting a heart, and some Fire ghosts in hope of a bzel, we managed to get one.

Its been a long time since i have gotten a bzel as a drop even with a group (well other then from bosses) so it was pretty nice. BBk was nice enough to buy it and so i have some more money to buy wafers with ^_^
So we continued hunting and after a bit with no drops

Nzel from LD. Now what i dont understand is why Ghosts drop Bzel and LD drop Nzels. lol LD do alot more dmg and take alot more hits to kill then ghosts. But oh well, 30k i wont complain. So at the end of the hunt i had the nzel from BBK, a share of the Bzel, about 50Bteles and some other misc stuff. Think ill have to buy some more wafers soon, but they are soooo expensive =\ wis NC would bring the price down to 2 or 3k. But i still make profit using them when i solo 31+ and the exp is nice with them so i guess i shouldnt really be complaining. alot of lower level elfs wouldnt make any profit if they used them so i suppose im lucky. Anyways back to hunting for a while and then off to work tonight. Hopefully i have some more interesting stuff to post before i leave to the cottage/work. Im trying to get some RL pics taken a week or two ago up, so hopefully i will have them published before i leave.

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