Tonk - Slacker finally posting
ok, so i've been slacking just a bit with posts, whatever, anyways, most of the stuff that i wanted to put up like TOI 81+ was already posted, so i guess im just gonna have to settle for a few boss drops and end pics today, first the boss drops from this week (ALL JUNK -.-)
well ya, as you can see, bosses hate me and dun like to drop good when im there, bzel was best out of everything, and well lets see what else i have to post...
lol, i stoped hitting cause i knew he'd die, warredeemer went chao
first time he ended to mops
second time he ended to mops (both on 34 fl same time, he was with yamaguchi and kuddles and they res'd him the first time)
poor lordkraken got the chao on this newbie
was helping electron while his title was vSoL, after he died he changed his title to vElectron
well anyways, i was having fun with my burn de, dks i ended saturday but didnt get ss's cause i was too busy teleporting are:
sunday i ended:
still learning ^^ anyways, enjoy, another post in 3 weeks -.-

well ya, as you can see, bosses hate me and dun like to drop good when im there, bzel was best out of everything, and well lets see what else i have to post...

lol, i stoped hitting cause i knew he'd die, warredeemer went chao

first time he ended to mops

second time he ended to mops (both on 34 fl same time, he was with yamaguchi and kuddles and they res'd him the first time)

poor lordkraken got the chao on this newbie

was helping electron while his title was vSoL, after he died he changed his title to vElectron
well anyways, i was having fun with my burn de, dks i ended saturday but didnt get ss's cause i was too busy teleporting are:
sunday i ended:
still learning ^^ anyways, enjoy, another post in 3 weeks -.-
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