Wish i got drops like Vev and Eggggggr
Wow i havent posted much lately, been busy with so many things. Anyways yesterday i finally convinced Sharp to come for a hunt with me. Me and him used to go Toi 40flr to hunt before they made the mops harder, so i wanted to go again and try it out. Me him and Purefighter headed up to 35 flr and had to fight our way through about 20 gouls and as we left the room...
So many mops in the hallway we had to head back into the room and it seems like they just kept spawning non-stop.
Finally we cleared it out for the most part and headed up. It was pretty hard because of the amount of archers which use alot of mana fast. Once we got to 39 floor we had to tele though because of the number of archers that came and blocked the first door, Sky came up to help but it still wasnt enough. We figured we would go back later after the seige. So a few hours later after a couple small bosses
We headed back up with XXMonicaXX, Michiganelf, Sky, Purefighter and me. It took so long to clear through everything on 39 and for us elfs to regain our mana but we finally made it to 40 floor and found ZL
Dropped pretty bad, but since we were up there and it seemed no one else had come up there today we decided to check for another one and hunt a bit on the way.
And finally the drop:
Not to bad =) I think Monica might just be good luck though, saved me from reaper and the 2nd hunt we get a decent drop lol. If anyone buying ROSC feel free to message one of us. Anyways so we hunted a bit more back to the enterance when i had to tele out but here are a few other drops we got.
After that i was invited to a wedding, ill post some pics from that later on. but for now i have some other things to take care of, Au revoir...

So many mops in the hallway we had to head back into the room and it seems like they just kept spawning non-stop.

Finally we cleared it out for the most part and headed up. It was pretty hard because of the amount of archers which use alot of mana fast. Once we got to 39 floor we had to tele though because of the number of archers that came and blocked the first door, Sky came up to help but it still wasnt enough. We figured we would go back later after the seige. So a few hours later after a couple small bosses

We headed back up with XXMonicaXX, Michiganelf, Sky, Purefighter and me. It took so long to clear through everything on 39 and for us elfs to regain our mana but we finally made it to 40 floor and found ZL

Dropped pretty bad, but since we were up there and it seemed no one else had come up there today we decided to check for another one and hunt a bit on the way.

And finally the drop:

Not to bad =) I think Monica might just be good luck though, saved me from reaper and the 2nd hunt we get a decent drop lol. If anyone buying ROSC feel free to message one of us. Anyways so we hunted a bit more back to the enterance when i had to tele out but here are a few other drops we got.

After that i was invited to a wedding, ill post some pics from that later on. but for now i have some other things to take care of, Au revoir...

Fuck.... i want that ring
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