Potter - Good one!
As most of you have noticed I havent been playing on Zuluuu much, so it didnt matter to me that when i was about to go to lastabad dungeon with allforu and other sol members, i walked away for about 30seconds - 1 minute to take a piss, and came back and i was dead, i didnt drop anything so i dont care, but i just want to point something out...
Notice, dickhouse posted this screenshot on his blog, he's CLEARLY doing absolutely fucking nothing to help kill me, just hiding like a fucking bitch in COI. as for brickhouse...
this is an old screenshot but it's of me killing him alone at top drake, see, aparently he d/c'd, but i wasnt at my computer when i died either, only diference is i didnt have to call 2 burn de's and another DK to kill someone while they're d/c'd or in my case afk -.- sure it was my fault for going AFK but when you have to go you have to go
now, for everyone who see's dickhouse, and if he ever tries to talk shit to you, just do these 3 things...
1) call him a fucking pussy who venz after 1 hit
2) ask him how he constantly dies with clears AND natures blessing to keep his hp up
3) tell him if he really wants to be safe, town is the only safer place than COI, dickhouse proved that one already as he's died many times as soon as he came out of his.
ok, now some other stuff that happened, pledge was on FI hunting and all of a sudden, thelion showed up at the start point, sharparrows went to get some supplies with foochild, and when he got back on the boat, there were like 10 paldo members on the boat. i've only got 2 ss of what the results were so ill post those...
(People circled are enemies)
Now it might seem that we have more right here, but we only had zuluuu, zeferoth, enhance, azncat, sharparrows, akolyte and tantra helping us, they had thelion, perfectstorm, zdemigodz, ayaka, xaphan, yeyo, jjely, lostmemory, and ... i dunno, 1 other dk, end results...well, im still 100% hunger meaning i didnt die once, perfectstorm ended up just running out and dying at the end of it, i got cancel'd LITERALLY 65 times...paldo really thought they would own us easily, they came only to fight us on FI, funny, even bringing their clear pots, 500 magic gems, they got owned...see what happens with no burners? oh, another thing to notice, how NONE OF US ARE MORPHED ! -.- ya, they hardly got any cancels cause everyone was huntin on FI from our side, so we had no magic gems to cancel back, yet...still managed this..embarassing, lol, after OWNING them sooo badly, they all tried to run off the island, but when the 19:00 boat arrived...LOL, sol showed up with like 10 more people, they said there were a couple paldo people on the boat and they teleported off once it started moving lol. pathetic. VenGeAnCe pledge owned them without sol, anyways, fucking talking about paldo gets me worked up and i get excited and cant stop anyways, so another post in like 2 months

Notice, dickhouse posted this screenshot on his blog, he's CLEARLY doing absolutely fucking nothing to help kill me, just hiding like a fucking bitch in COI. as for brickhouse...

this is an old screenshot but it's of me killing him alone at top drake, see, aparently he d/c'd, but i wasnt at my computer when i died either, only diference is i didnt have to call 2 burn de's and another DK to kill someone while they're d/c'd or in my case afk -.- sure it was my fault for going AFK but when you have to go you have to go
now, for everyone who see's dickhouse, and if he ever tries to talk shit to you, just do these 3 things...
1) call him a fucking pussy who venz after 1 hit
2) ask him how he constantly dies with clears AND natures blessing to keep his hp up
3) tell him if he really wants to be safe, town is the only safer place than COI, dickhouse proved that one already as he's died many times as soon as he came out of his.
ok, now some other stuff that happened, pledge was on FI hunting and all of a sudden, thelion showed up at the start point, sharparrows went to get some supplies with foochild, and when he got back on the boat, there were like 10 paldo members on the boat. i've only got 2 ss of what the results were so ill post those...

(People circled are enemies)
Now it might seem that we have more right here, but we only had zuluuu, zeferoth, enhance, azncat, sharparrows, akolyte and tantra helping us, they had thelion, perfectstorm, zdemigodz, ayaka, xaphan, yeyo, jjely, lostmemory, and ... i dunno, 1 other dk, end results...well, im still 100% hunger meaning i didnt die once, perfectstorm ended up just running out and dying at the end of it, i got cancel'd LITERALLY 65 times...paldo really thought they would own us easily, they came only to fight us on FI, funny, even bringing their clear pots, 500 magic gems, they got owned...see what happens with no burners? oh, another thing to notice, how NONE OF US ARE MORPHED ! -.- ya, they hardly got any cancels cause everyone was huntin on FI from our side, so we had no magic gems to cancel back, yet...still managed this..embarassing, lol, after OWNING them sooo badly, they all tried to run off the island, but when the 19:00 boat arrived...LOL, sol showed up with like 10 more people, they said there were a couple paldo people on the boat and they teleported off once it started moving lol. pathetic. VenGeAnCe pledge owned them without sol, anyways, fucking talking about paldo gets me worked up and i get excited and cant stop anyways, so another post in like 2 months
Evilsam ended on FI too...to mops.
like i said dickhouse, i was gone for 30seconds - 1minute, washrooms right across the hall, how long does it take you to piss?
well actualy if you think about it. first hes gotta get there, then hes gotta find his tweezers then pull out the microscope then pray... yah that can take about a minute or two i imagine.
im just amazed though that hes still in coi Still, i mean comeone your dead and hes STILL in coi were you born with that thing on man? do you carry arrows?
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