Saturday, February 18, 2006

In Oz

Well, I finally got here. I know I've been slacking in the posting department but I have been somewhat busy these past couple days. Everything has been going pretty good so far, I got to the campus I am staying at for the next week or so before I move out to Parramatta which is a bit closer to Sydney than I am currently. I went shopping there yesturday at a mall called Westfields which was pretty fun. I think today most of the shops are closed so I will probably head to Sydney sometime this coming week in between all of my orientation things and parties with the school. I finally got some of the pictures off my laptop so I will post a couple of them. I will have a better internet connection a bit later on so I can play some more Lin but that will have to wait until I move. I'll try to get some pics of the campus I will be going to when I go there tommorow for now here are the ones from me in Canada, Hong Kong and in plane.

This one is in front of my house with a few of my best friends.

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This is one that we took at the airport in Toronto.

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I took this looking down the terminals at the airport in Hong Kong, it pretty much streches as far as you can see. It's a pretty nice airport but I didn't get much of a chance to see it because my flight arrived 15 minutes after the boarding time of my flight to Sydney.

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This was my first look at Australia, this was over the north east coast. I took a few pictures of arriving at Sydney but since it was dark out and I was taking them through the plane window they didn't turn out very good.

Anyways, I'll be posting some more pictures soon. Peace!



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