Friday, November 19, 2004


The rest of you are excused. This is for the morons.

You see that distance? Distance "x"?

That is the distance that seperates you from your shit. It is also the distance that makes me not give a shit about taking your shit.

Now I don't hunt fire valley much anymore since wareagle is always up there jacking off fire warriors, but when I am, I am going to take your shit. Why? Why would I be so mean? Because killing shit over a cliff and then expecting me to leave your piles of adena (from my monsters--yes mine) while you make the ten minute walk around is just ignorant. I don't care if you cliff kill. Some people are afflicted with perma-newbism... which is fine--but if you are going to venture out of OWL to kill shit over a cliff where I'm hunting then you need to re-evaluate your position of relative importance in any discussions you decide to have with me over your drops.

This is not directed at any one event. Rather it is the response to a number of them. With any luck, at least one newb will read this and quit.

- Bizanti


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