Sunday, December 19, 2004

omg wow

Well today I was informed by one of my pledge-mates that Brickhouse has decided to take the "peace" road.. I swear, if this is true and he actually expects peace .. just wow, goodluck with that one. tell me how it turns out.

Thats all, I just wanted to get that out to the public that I haven't laughed that hard (or long) in a long damn time. Thanks WarEagle! You're finally good for something.


~by the way, Brickhouse, i am monokiller, the guys at LinCrew were nice enough to give me the chance to post that little bit of information here. I just wanted to clairify my identity so that you didn't mention for the hundredth time that people forget to say who they are when they post using the LinCrew ID. that's all. goodluck with peace. if you can get it.


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