Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Sympati-lame Anyone have any ideas?

Do you live in Toronto Ontario? what fucking internet service provider do you use?
I've had rogers and now have sympatico... after 40 minutes on the phone with them after a dc death... they tell me that level 2 did some tests and i have a few "errors on my line" theyre going to "test" in a few days and see if its them, if its them theyll "fix it" and if its me theyll "send someone out to fix it" ... honestly

please post a comment on what you use how CONSISTANT IT IS i DONT WANT TO DC !!! lemme know, thanks guys this is fucking lame ...


Blogger Kazimir Stubitsch said...

I told you dc'ing is lame.. welcome to the world of "high" speed internet

I have sympatico and it is lame, though when I had rogers it went down for 11 days with no tech support and they still tried to bill us for those 11 days.. so sympatico is still the lesser of the two evils..sadly


8:52 AM  
Blogger Kazimir Stubitsch said...

yah but mother fucker man, i had rogers before it was hype shit man for 3 months then it would be down for an entire week ... im thinking of doing that instead of this speratic sympatico. this is fucking pissing me off
Chris and shane i know you guys feel my pain but daves been telling me that your guys are having tons of trouble with d\cs with your new isp... i really dont want to have to pay to play in fucking game rooms ... -.-' thats fucking bullshit they said there were "errors in my line" what the fuck is that some noise or something ... so maybe some guy will come and fix it .. who knows but for now i cant I CANNOT afford to die man...

9:04 AM  
Blogger Kazimir Stubitsch said...

Yeah we have to call today to get our ISP changed cause I d/c last night, thank god i was standing in town but I was just about to go to Toi. The worst is you dont want to play after a d/c cause you could d/c again. I might try putting my new ISP on the new phone line I have in my house and see if that works. If not I will try Rogers I suppose. Unless someone can come up with some miracle provider.


9:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Live in Whitby, use rogers 3MB service. Very rarely if ever have troubles.

When i first moved out to the burbs i wanted to firebomb rogers. Their customer service and service in general was shit.

1:01 PM  
Blogger PureFighter said...

Ok here's the deal maybe someone can help. If I'm running 2 comps most of the time for lineage, and once in a while 3 or maybe 4, would a 64mbps ISN line be enough? I'm debating about the 128mbps but its like $200 a month while is a bit much. So I think the 64mbps is about all I can afford. Post your ideas!


11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in brampton. I use rogers and i barely dc from lin. Its had trouble in the past but its been pretty good for the last while. Except when I play halo with my xbox online. Sometimes the games get laggy but i think thats my comp/router. Its like 4 years old but in lineage with rogers, i dont lag much at all. Thats in brampton tho.

9:41 AM  

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