Friday, January 28, 2005


'How about a nice warm glass of shut the fuck up?'

That's just me paraphrasing what I imagine NC Korea says every time our Austin branch shoots em a line. Here's a recent update courtesy of Wae at

"[ The clothes for the special GM character 'Metisse' have changed. ]

Metisse, who always has been wearing sky blue-colored clothes, has made a big decision and decided to change clothes. Casting off the sick-looking appearance, Metisse will be trying to continually have a fresh appearance... but [we] do not know whether or not we can buy all of the entire world's cultures' ethnic clothing. ^^; If we added the clothes of Rimario from the currently popular [mo?] gag program and Metisse stood in front of you and danced the rimario dance, how would you like it? ^^"

That's right. They're too time pressed to do a God damned thing here, but back in Korea where the day is apparently longer they're paying some fucker to be a full time wardrobe designer for their pretty little GMs. I know you remember what those were. They were one of the first things to be cut from Austin's budget, replaced by 'monitors' and outsourced to fucking Cambodia. I have a dozen friends breathing down my neck to play WoW and these prissy little fairy fucks are prancing around in their pretty fucking dresses, smoking my $15 a month like a gay guy with a vibrating crack pipe shaped like a cock. Fuck you Metisse. If I wanted to watch some prissy girl play dress up I'd go buy The Sims and cheapen my existance roleplaying with some bitch who is probably a guy named Frank with plumbers ass and a job at walmart. Have the designers throw in a few extra cells of animation for the players running train on your mouth so we can all get enjoyment out of the hole you use to make important game decisions like this.


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